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What Does 'PR' Mean?
UKC's definition is as Follows
There have now in the last several years been dogs brought into UKC as Single
Registration and many of them do not have all of their generations as registered
or qualified in some case to be registered so the PR continues to be a
prestigious designation for all breeds registered.
Prior to April of 2005 even single registered dogs could possibly be trusted but
any single registered dogs after that date I would be sure to research the
pedigree and/or do DNA testing.
This page was written because of recent questions on local message boards about
the PR designation and what it means to the Alaskan Klee Kai. Be careful of
purchasing dogs from breeders who minimize the importance of pedigree
information or the lack there of.
To some the PR status of their dog is unimportant, to others it is. It is OK to
not be worried about it and it is equally OK to want that designation. Don't let
any one make you feel bad either way. We personally want to know our dogs lines
are really registered AKK.
It is not my place as a personal breeder or by any office that I may hold now or
in the future to dictate to other breeders on if they should discuss this
subject or any other subject concerning their breeding programs or how they
judge other breeding programs. I do not intend to be the AKK police and you
might want to research those who really wish that a little more as to their
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We do transport puppies but not by postal service.
place holder
