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Why are "Champion Bloodlines" important
for "just a pet"?
Many pet buyers do not care if a dog has a champion bloodline. It takes a lot
of work and dedication to make a dog a Champion or Grand Champion. The presence
of each "Ch." on a pedigree represents a dog that is sound in mind and body.
Each show dog must be sound, i.e. not be lame, blind nor deaf and it must be
reproductively healthy. Even more importantly, a bad tempered dog is unlikely to
become a champion. If a dog growls in the ring it will be excused, and if it
bites, it will be permanently disqualified from competition. Each dog must
tolerate several judges (strangers to the dog, most likely) handling it's body
without growling or biting. This is a good test of temperament, and gives you a
better chance of getting a sound, good-tempered pet.
A champion should be an excellent specimen of the breed, closely resembling the
"breed standard" as written in the UKC Breed Standards. These ideals for the
breed are used to pick the winners. Dogs that do not sufficiently represent the
breed will not get ribbons or points and are considered "without merit." You can
be more assured that if you want a dog that looks like an Alaskan Klee Kai, you
will get a dog that looks like a Alaskan Klee Kai if it comes from a show dog
breeder. Papers do not promise anything but pureness. A dog bred for generations
to be only pure and nothing else, may not have many of the qualities that
characterizes the breed. The United Kennel Club holds the registry for many
breeds. You will find breed standards listed on their page www.ukcdogs.com as
well as most breeders web pages. A brief history and purpose of the breed is
given as well as the "breed standard" also called "standard of perfection" for
each breed of UKC dog. Here you can read about what a dog show judge is looking
for as the ideal specimen of that breed. No dog in the world is perfect, but
breeders should use these guidelines in hopes of getting as close as possible.
There are fads among show as well as pet breeders, that result in extremes. The
overly flat face was a fad several years ago in Persian cats. The cats had
health problems as a result. Since then we understand the show breeders have
become more moderate and have healthier cats.
There are people who wish to breed outside the breed standards, and register
these dogs, even if they have breed quality disqualifications at birth.
Although they may seem like nice people, and they may have some high quality
dogs, or well behaved dogs, you should still use care when purchasing from
Sometimes breeders can reflect the fad or fashion of the day instead of
following breed standards. We try to avoid that and follow current breed
standards instead of trying to get the standards loosened to meet what we are
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We do transport puppies but not by postal service.
place holder
